To celebrate our 100th episode, ten regular guests share what they would choose if they got to make the whole world watch one movie.

On this Episode:
- Orla Smith and Support the Girls (3:35)
- Alex Heeney and Proxima (9:41)
- Caitlin Merriman and The Lady in the Van (15:21)
- Debbie Zhou and Lust, Caution (19:35)
- Lena Wilson and Teeth (24:28)
- Andrew Kendall and The English Patient (27:19)
- Emily Garside and Pride (32:23)
- Fiona Underhill and Empire of the Sun (36:39)
- Lindsay Pugh and Ishtar (41:00)
- Brett Pardy and The Farewell (45:57)
Emily Garside (@EmiGarside), Writer, Researcher, and Theatre Maker. Visit her website.
Alex Heeney (@bwestcineaste), Editor-in-Chief, Seventh Row.
Andrew Kendall (@DepartedAviator), Film Critic, Stabroek News.
Caitlin Merriman (@CaitlinSnark).
Brett Pardy (@AntiqueiPod), Associate Editor, Seventh Row.
Lindsay Pugh (@womaninrevolt), Contributing Editor, Seventh Row. Writer, Woman in Revolt.
Orla Smith (@orlamango), Executive Editor, Seventh Row.
Fiona Underhill (@FionaUnderhill), Editor-in-Chief, JumpCut Online.
Lena Wilson (@lenalwilson), Culture Writer. Visit her website.
Debbie Zhou (@debbie_zhou), Managing Editor, Rough Cut.
Episode Notes
- Read Alex’s interview with Proxima director Alice Winocour
- Read Alex’s 2014 review of Pride
- Read Orla’s interview with The Farewell director Lulu Wang