Get feature-length audio commentaries on each of Joachim Trier’s first four features: a Reprise audio commentary, Oslo August 31st audio commentary, Louder Than Bombs audio commentary, Thelma audio commentary. These Joachim Trier audio commentaries situate the films within Joachim Trier’s filmography, how they relate to The Worst Person in the World, and how they relate to the Oslo Trilogy. They include an audio commentary on each of the first two films in the Oslo Trilogy.

Listen to The Joachim Trier Audio Commentaries
Joachim Trier has never recorded full-length audio commentaries for his films. As scholars of his work who are publishing a book on his films, we have recorded them for him.
Listen to The Joachim Trier Audio Commentaries on Reprise, Oslo, August 31st, Louder Than Bombs, and Thelma.
We’ll help you get more out of the films and kickstart your thinking on Trier’s work.

You have up to three months to listen to audio commentaries with your subscription. It does not renew automatically.
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What do you get with the audio commentaries?
About The Joachim Trier Audio Commentaries and his films
We recommend watching the films in chronological order at a doable pace of one a week.
But we know you’re busy! That’s why you have three months to listen to the audio commentaries.
Our listeners tell us they loved them in whatever order they listened to them in.

Week 1: Listen to the Reprise (2006) audio commentary
Joachim Trier’s first film is also the first entry in The Oslo Trilogy, which includes Oslo, August 31st and The Worst Person in the World.
Reprise is the story of two twenty something aspiring authors and best friends as they grow up and apart. This marks Trier’s first collaboration with Anders Danielsen Lie.
In the Reprise audio commentary, we situate the film within The Oslo Trilogy and highlight how it previews what’s to come in Trier’s work.

Week 2: Listen to the Oslo, August 31st (2006) audio commentary
Loosely adapted from the novel Le feu follet, Oslo, August 31st follows a day in the life of recovering heroin addict Anders (Anders Danielsen Lie). He leaves the rehab centre where he’s been living for a job interview in the city, meets up with friends, and contemplates whether he wants to keep living or end his life. It was Seventh Row’s #1 film of the 2010s.
In the audio commentary on Oslo, August 31st, we talk about how the film fits into the Oslo trilogy and how it expands on themes explored in Reprise.

Week 3: Listen to the Louder Than Bombs (2015) audio commentary
Trier’s first English-language film was set in America, and premiered in the Cannes Competition in 2015, and has been underrated and under-seen ever since. It was one of our top 20 films of the 2010s.
The film tells the story of two brothers and their father coping with the death of their mother, three years after the fact, and the complicated dynamics within their family.
In the audio commentary on Louder Than Bombs, we talk about how the film expands on the cinematic and thematic ideas explored in Trier’s previous films and previews what’s to come in his future work.

Week 4: Listen to the Thelma (2017) audio commentary
For his first foray into genre filmmaking, Trier returned to Norway, capturing iconic scenes in Oslo landmarks like the Oslo Opera House.
In the Thelma audio commentary, we talk about how Trier’s first genre film is not actually the outlier in his filmography you might expect.
The Thelma audio commentary will also feature tidbits on how the film was made as told to us by Trier and his collaborators.