Thank you for purchasing Beyond Empowertainment, {%ctp.user.first_name%}!
We just wanted to take a moment to thank you for supporting our publication. Seventh Row is an independent site run by a very small team. We are dedicated to providing thoughtful and revelatory analysis of brilliant films, highlighting marginalised filmmakers, and writing books about great modern filmmakers and films that we believe should be canonized.
We are so grateful for your support which helps us expand our publication’s goals and capabilities. Because we run entirely on ebook sales and donations, with writers and editors paid through royalties, we’d really appreciate you sharing your purchase on social media to help us get our work out there.
Thanks again for buying our book! We’d love to hear your thoughts once you’ve finished reading.
Many thanks,
Orla Smith, Executive Editor of Seventh Row

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Take the feminist horror challenge
Catch up with some of the best horror films of the decade, most of which are featured in the book. Watch one curated film per week for four weeks, and join the discussion!