Episode 11 of the podcast celebrates our new ebook, Peterloo in Process: A Mike Leigh collaboration. Authors Alex Heeney and Orla Smith are joined by Brett Pardy to discuss how conducting and reading the interviews with Leigh, Rory Kinnear, Maxine Peake, and key department heads deepened their admiration and understanding of Peterloo.

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In this episode of the podcast, we discuss Peterloo, the latest film from the legendary Mike Leigh, portrays the events leading up to the Peterloo Massacre, where British soldiers killed 15 and injured as many as 700 people protesting for parliamentary reform.
Our new ebook, Peterloo in Process: A Mike Leigh collaboration, pulls back the curtain on how Leigh builds films in which every frame feels real and full of life. We’ve interviewed all of Leigh’s central team, not just the actors, but also the heads of department he’s collaborated with for years. We uncover how Leigh’s process involves rehearsal and improvisation, historical research, and collective brainstorming across all departments.
Show Notes and Recommended Reading on Peterloo
Visit mikeleighbook.com to pre-order the book and receive a bonus edited audio file of the interviews with Mike Leigh and Dick Pope.
This episode was edited by Edward von Aderkas.
Episodes of the podcast related to Peterloo
Listen to episode 32 , in which we compared Ken Loach’s Sorry We Missed You to Mike Leigh’s Peterloo, and discussed the similarities and differences between Loach’s and Leigh’s filmmaking approaches.
Listen to episode 26 , in which we discuss Seventh Row’s 2019 and how our book on Peterloo shaped our next three ebooks, and what we learned from writing them all.
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Calling all Mike Leigh fans
With Peterloo in Process, uncover the magic behind Mike Leigh’s working process
as told by the man himself and the people who work with him.