In Call Me by Your Name, Luca Guadagnino uses framing and editing to expand and contract time, allowing us to experience it in the same way that Elio and Oliver do. This is the seventh piece in our Special Issue on Call Me by Your Name. Buy the eBook of the issue here. Read the rest of the issue here.
[Read more…] about ‘You’re missing it!’: Tricks with time in Call Me by Your NameCall Me by Your Name: A Special Issue eBook

Take home our indispensable collectors' ebook on the film
In six pieces, we attempt to articulate what feels so ineffable about the film while watching, help you fall in love with the performances all over again by digging deep into the nuts and bolts of how they work, and illuminate why this film is an important addition to the queer cinema canon. You’ll want to read and re-read these pieces every time you watch the film — and whenever you wish you could be watching the film but can’t (on the bus, in a waiting room, etc.).
Armie Hammer is more than an object of desire in Call Me by Your Name
In Call Me by Your Name, Armie Hammer’s performance as Oliver weaponizes his star persona, allowing us to misread his character in the same way that Elio does. This is the sixth piece in our Special Issue on Call Me by Your Name. Read the rest of the issue here.
[Read more…] about Armie Hammer is more than an object of desire in Call Me by Your NameOur five favourite scenes from the second half of CMBYN
Our writers pick their favourite scenes from the second half of Call Me by Your Name and write about what makes them great. Read part 1 here. This is the fifth piece in our Special Issue on Call Me by Your Name. Read the rest of the issue here.
[Read more…] about Our five favourite scenes from the second half of CMBYNKeeping a straight face: How CMBYN‘s queer characters get misread
Call Me by Your Name is the latest in a long line of same-sex romances to have its queer characters diminished as empty vessels, yet this couldn’t be further from the truth. This essay is featured in the ebook Call Me by Your Name: A Special Issue which is available for purchase here.
[Read more…] about Keeping a straight face: How CMBYN‘s queer characters get misread
Review: Call Me by Your Name is a gorgeous, erotic tale of first love
In this review of Call Me by Your Name, Alex Heeney explores how Guadagnino captures what first love feels like, in all its fumbling, awkward, confusing, terrifying, joyous glory. This is an excerpt from the ebook Call Me by Your Name: A Special Issue. To read the entire article, purchase a copy of the book here.
[Read more…] about Review: Call Me by Your Name is a gorgeous, erotic tale of first loveThe six best scenes from the first half of Call Me by Your Name
Our writers pick their favourite scenes from the first half of Call Me by Your Name and write about what makes them great. This is an excerpt from the ebook Call Me by Your Name: A Special Issue. To read the complete list, get the ebook here.
[Read more…] about The six best scenes from the first half of Call Me by Your Name